Landlord Dilapidations
Jaggard Macland have significant experience in advising landlords on the best strategy to make sure a property is returned by a tenant in the best possible condition and if not to recover any loss.
We use both Building Surveyors and General Practice Surveyors to advise landlords’ on their dilapidations claims. This is unusual as it is normally only Building Surveyors that advise on dilapidations claims and using this strategy means that Jaggard Macland are best placed to make sure that we use all the tools available to recover any loss from the tenant.
Jaggard Macland have an extensive knowledge of Section 18 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927 which is integral in mitigating any arguments a tenant might have in a dilapidations claim.
We assess each case on its merits, reviewing the landlord’s future plans for the property and putting together a strategy to put the landlord in the best possible position.
Jaggard Macland have a proven track record of undertaking dilapidations works and recovering significant sums from tenants.
To learn more download A Brief Guide To Dilapidations By Jaggard Macland.
For further information, please contact Steven Macdermott.